1684 job i Sønderjylland 13 job i dette område
1684 job i Sønderjylland 13 job i dette område


Medarbejdere til dagrenovationskørsel i Horsens
Meldgaard Miljø A/S
77777 Udenfor Region Syddanmark
Er du vores nye kollega i Meldgaard Miljø A/S Vi har travlt og søger derfor både faste medarbejdere samt afløsere.
Vi tilbyder en aktiv hverdag, fantastiske kollegaer samt gode løn- og personalevilkår. Kan du lide at have borgerkontakt og synes du at god service er en selvfølge, så er det dig vi søger.

Det er et krav, at du har kørekort C samt EU chaufførbevis.

Vi forventer, at du:
? Er mødestabil og trives med at arbejde udendørs
? Er i god fysisk form
? Er fleksibel og omstillingsparat
? Er en god og loyal kollega

Som fastansat er du garanteret 37 timer ugentligt
Som afløser får du et fleksibelt job, hvor du skal afløse ved ferie, sygdom og spidsbelastninger

Hos Meldgaard kan vi tilbyde en spændende og udfordrende stilling med gode løn- og ansættelsesforhold i en velkonsolideret familievirksomhed med over 50 års erfaring. Vores omgangstone er åben og uformel, og der er frihed under ansvar med korte kommandoveje.

Er du interesseret, så send din ansøgning direkte via Søg stillingen senest den 23. august 2024 Har du uddybende spørgsmål til stillingen, så kontakt formand Jan Andersen på tlf. 52 18 72 00. Samtaler vil blive afholdt løbende og vi lukker søgningen, når vi har fundet vores nye kollegaer.
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Global Support Manager
Agramkow A/S
6400 Sønderborg
Are you ready to provide customer satisfaction at our newly established Global Sales & Customer Support Center? If you are service-minded, process-driven, and ready to work with global sales and customer support, you might be our new Global Support Manager.

The new Global Support Manager at AGRAMKOW, will have the chance to form a new position within the company. Your enthusiasm and fresh ideas will be highly valued, and you're not afraid to come up with innovative solutions. As a binding bridge between sales and costumers your focus is to deliver efficient customer and sales support on a global scale. Interacting with a wide range of contacts across the global organization, this role requires a deep understanding of our business and exceptional English communication skills, both written and spoken.

Key Responsibilities:

Ensure seamless implementation and maintenance of master data globally.
Oversee order handling, standard/off-standard projects, and service orders, including quotation of standard spare parts and services.
Uphold high data quality in our ERP system and integrate it into our CRM.
Provide daily support for sales, lead handling, and follow-up.
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Senior validation IT QA
5000 Odense C
Do you want to join a newly established Quality Assurance (QA) organization of a new production site? Are you interested in supporting the expansion of assembly and packaging capacity for Novo Nordisk?

We are seeking a proactive and motivated IT QA Professional with a strong quality mindset, great interpersonal skills, an innovative mindset, and the ability to thrive in a constantly changing and challenging environment.

You will also be part of a global quality organization that supports production expansions across Novo Nordisk. If you find this opportunity exciting, we encourage you to apply.

The position

As IT QA Professional you will become part of a newly established QA team supporting a new production site for assembly and packaging of finished products. We value a great working environment, team spirit and empowerment as well as good development opportunities. Along with the rest of the team you will have the responsibility of QA review and oversight of many types of documents, primarily related to validation and qualification. You will also ensure quality and compliance with the current GMP rules and guidelines.

Your main tasks will be to:

Collaborate with stakeholders to develop and execute test plans, test cases, and test scripts to ensure the quality of our products and services.
Review different types of documents, mainly validation and qualification in the beginning.
Collaborate with development teams to identify and resolve defects and issues.
Participate in design and code reviews to ensure quality standards are met.

You will work with stakeholders to document requirements and acceptance criteria, develop and maintain test documentation, including test plans, test cases, and test scripts as well as participate in performing functional, regression, and performance testing.


The ideal candidate will have:

Bachelor’s degree in computer science, Software Engineering, or a related field.
Experience in QA, with a focus on automation and AI & familiarity with artificial intelligence and machine learning concepts.
Min. 2 years of experience with GMP guidelines and regulations, and a good understanding of regulatory compliance requirements.
Understanding of IT infrastructure, including networking, databases, and operating systems.
Proficiency in English.
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Senior validation QA
5000 Odense C
re you interested in starting an exciting journey for Quality Assurance (QA) organization of a new production site that will support the expansion of assembly and packaging capacity for Novo Nordisk? We are seeking a QA Professional to join our newly established QA Team. Apply today!

The position

As validation QA Professional you will become part of a newly established QA team supporting a new production site for assembly and packaging of finished products. We value a great working environment, team spirit and empowerment as well as good development opportunities. Alongside the rest of the team, you will have the responsibility of QA review and oversight of many types of documents, primarily related to validation and qualification.

Furthermore, you will ensure quality and compliance with the current GMP rules and guidelines.

Your main tasks include:

Collaborating with stakeholders on developing & executing test plans, test cases, and test scripts to ensure the quality of our products and services.
Collaborating with development teams to identify and resolve defects and issues.
Working with stakeholders to document requirements and acceptance criteria, developing and maintaining test documentation, including test plans, and test cases.


To succeed in this role, you:

Hold an MSc in Pharmacy, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering or similar.
Have around 3 years of experience with quality assurance and/or production.
Preferably have experience within assembly and packaging processes and the pharmaceutical industry.
Possess experience with qualification/validation in the pharmaceutical industry.
Are proficient in English.
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Project Manager within Energy Systems
5000 Odense C
Are you a Project Manager with a background in plant, electrical or civil engineering? Are you looking for an opportunity to join the team in leading a major greenfield project within site development? If yes, we have the perfect role for you. Join our team as an Associated Project manager for Site Energy Hub and be a part of designing and delivery our sites energy needs while supporting our future for our patients. Apply today for a life-changing career!

The Position

As an Associated Project Manager within Energy Systems, you will support the Senior Project Manager in various areas from current basic design throughout to final handover.

The key responsibilities of this position include:

Project Planning and Execution: Assist the Senior Project Manager in developing comprehensive project plans, timelines, and budgets. Ensure all project milestones are met on time and within budget.

Detailed Engineering: Oversee and coordinate detailed engineering activities, ensuring all designs and specifications meet project requirements and industry standards.

Collaboration with Engineering Partners: Work closely with external engineering partners to ensure seamless integration of their work with our project goals. Facilitate effective communication and collaboration between all stakeholders.

Risk Management: contribute in managing project risks and develop mitigation strategies to ensure project success.

Quality Assurance: Ensure all project deliverables meet the highest standards of quality and compliance. Conduct regular reviews and audits to maintain project integrity.

Documentation and Reporting: Work within the project team in maintaining comprehensive project documentation, including progress reports, technical specifications, and regulatory compliance records. Provide regular updates to the Senior Project Manager and other stakeholders.


To be successful in this role, you should possess the following qualifications:

An academic degree in Plant, Mechanical, Civil, or Electrical Engineering, or an equivalent field, is required.

5+ years of experience in plant, electrical or building, preferably in major pharmaceutical projects. Your background and skill set will be part of determining your specific areas of work.

Knowledge of engineering design, project management, and construction management.

Familiarity with climate adaptation and sewer master planning.
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Experienced Automation Engineer
5000 Odense C
Do you have a background in automation and experience with intralogistics and warehouse processes? Are you passionate about driving innovation? Would you thrive in a regulated industry and in global, cross-functional team environment? We are looking for an Experienced Automation Engineer to join our growing Fill and Finish Expansions team at Novo Nordisk. Apply today for a life-changing career!

The Position

As an Automation Engineer at Novo Nordisk, you will have the opportunity to participate in equipment and system design for a fully automated intralogistics and warehouse process and support equipment installation, commissioning, and qualifications.

You will contribute to the development and evolution of next-generation equipment, ensuring alignment with intralogistics and warehouse strategies and standards. You will be expected to establish and maintain proactive positive working relationships with internal and external engineering and operations stakeholders and support knowledge sharing with local and global facilities.


To excel in this role, we are looking for a candidate with the following qualifications:

Minimum of 5 years of experience working directly with intralogistics and warehouse processes.

Experience working in SAP EWM and with Traffic Control Systems for AGV fleet management.

Experience working in a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment with cGMP requirements or other regulated industry or manufacturing environment preferred.

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Senior Quality Engineer
5000 Odense C
Would you like to bring your experience and a strong quality mindset to our Fill & Finish Expansions (FFEX) department at Novo Nordisk? Do you consider yourself to be passionate about ensuring quality in manufacturing processes? Are you ready for a next role in pharmaceutical industry?

Then this could be the perfect opportunity to become our next Senior Quality Engineer. Read on and apply today for a life-changing career!

The Position

As a Senior Quality Engineer, you will join a team in a fast-paced environment. The team is responsible for building and implementing a Quality Management System for a new manufacturing site. We are defining requirements based on risk assessment and ensuring compliance with Good Manufacturing (GMP) standards.

The main tasks will be to:

• Develop and implement a Quality Management System (QMS) ensuring compliance with Novo Nordisk QMS and Regulatory requirements.
• Support, plan, and execute validation activities.
• Utilize experience within regulated processes to drive improvements and ensure quality assurance.
• Develop a robust setup for facility, utility, and equipment compliance together with colleagues.
• Manage stakeholders and maintain effective communication throughout the project.

To be considered for this position, you should:

• Hold a master’s degree.
• Have solid experience working within quality and risk management in regulated processes, preferably within the pharmaceutical industry.
• Have experience in defining requirements based on risk assessment.
• Have knowledge of GMP standards and quality assurance principles.
• Be fluent in written and spoken English.

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Supervisor/montør - levér kvalitet til tyske kunder
99999 Grænsejob
Er du klar til at tage styringen og levere kvalitet til kunder i hele Tyskland? På vegne af DAN-doors søger Career | a JKS company en engageret og dygtig supervisor, der kommer til at spille en central rolle i at servicere virksomhedens kunder i Tyskland, primært indenfor frostsegmentet.

DAN-doors producerer industriporte og -døre til alle områder indenfor industri, køl, frost og brand, og netop nu er de på udkig efter kollegaer til teamet i Tyskland. Med udgangspunkt fra din egen adresse er du typisk i Tyskland hele ugen - enten på montage eller serviceopgaver - og sikrer optimalt afvikling af opgaverne.

Du bliver ansvarlig for ledelsen af ufaglært personale og skal kunne kommunikere effektivt med både kunder og personale på pladserne.

Da du har ansvaret for at planlægge din egen dag/uge, vil ting som hotelbookninger og lignende være en del af dit arbejde. Det er meget vigtigt, at du kan arbejde selvstændigt, og at du er opfindsom og kreativ i din problemløsning, når du er ude hos kunderne.

Vi leder efter dig, der:

Har erfaring med montering af porte eller lignende
Har erfaring med ledelse af ufaglært personale samt pladsledelse
Har el-teknisk viden
Er fysisk robust og klar til at tage fat
Har stærke kommunikationsevner og er vant til at tale med forskellige kunder
Er flydende i tysk og gerne engelsk

DAN-doors tilbyder:

En attraktiv lønpakke og et godt arbejdsmiljø
Dygtige og engagerede kollegaer
En fleksibel ansættelsesform tilpasset dine behov
Et stærkt team der sikrer, at både DAN-doors og kundernes behov opfyldes
En spændende rolle i en niche virksomhed med fokus på kvalitet

Hos DAN-doors værdsætter de det rigtige DNA, og de søger derfor en supervisor, der ikke blot har de rette kvalifikationer, men også passer ind i deres team og virksomhedskultur.

Ansøgning og spørgsmål

Career varetager rekrutteringsprocessen for DAN-doors. Hvis du ønsker at søge stillingen, vil det glæde os at modtage din ansøgning samt CV via ansøgningsknappen nederst på siden. Vi indkalder løbende relevante kandidater til samtale og tager stillingen ned, så snart den er besat.

Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, som ikke fremgår af annoncen, er du velkommen til at kontakte rekrutteringskonsulent, Stine Thyregod Nielsen (holder ferie i uge 28, 29 & 30), på tlf. +45 6163 0704. I ugerne 28, 29 & 30 kan du i mellemtiden kontakte, Sourcing Specialist, Frederikke Brokmann, på telefon +45 30 85 12 89.

Bemærk venligst, at ansøgninger, der sendes direkte på mail, ikke behandles og besvares grundet persondataforordningen.

Vi ser frem til at høre fra dig!
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Chauffør til kranbil - udkørsel Vejle eller Horsens
Meldgaard Miljø A/S
7100 Vejle
Meldgaard Miljø A/S (erhverv) søger fast chauffør til kørsel med nyere kranbil og udkørsel fra Vejle eller Horsens.

I Meldgaard Miljø ser vi et stort potentiale i, at vi i Danmark bliver bedre til sortering af affald. Derfor hjælper vi alle typer af virksomheder med at indfri deres fulde potentiale med hensyn til korrekt sortering og genanvendelse.


Erfaren chauffør til nyere kranbil med udkørsel fra Vejle eller Horsens
Fast rutekørsel med tømning af igloer og molokker
Du er hjemme hver dag
Mulighed for at få bilen med hjem, hvis du bor rigtigt geografisk
Løn efter gældende overenskomst

Om dig

Det er vigtigt at du er omhyggelig, serviceminded og ansvarsfuld, da du ofte bliver den første kunderne møder, når de har lavet en aftale med os.

Ud over erfaring med kørsel af lastbil, skal du være i besiddelse af:

Kørekort CE samt EU chaufførbevis og Førerbevis
Gerne erfaring med hænger kørsel
Vi forventer, at du er fleksibel, positiv og en god kollega.

Hos Meldgaard kan vi tilbyde en spændende og udfordrende stilling med gode løn- og ansættelses- forhold i en velkonsolideret familievirksomhed med over 50 års erfaring.

Vores omgangstone er åben og uformel, og der er frihed under ansvar med korte kommandoveje.

Har du uddybende spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte
kørselsleder Rasmus H. Jespersen på tlf. 20 33 72 42 eller send din ansøgning via Søg stillingen senest d. 4. august 2024. Tiltrædelse snarest muligt.

CE Stor lastbil med stort påhængskøretøj, TM Traktor og motorredskab

Der er 1 ledig stilling
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Managing Director, South Carolina US
Agramkow A/S
6400 Sønderborg
Are you an experienced leader in the manufacturing industry ready to take on the next step in your career? Then join AGRAMKOW US Inc. in Greenville, SC!

To support AGRAMKOW’s growth in North America, we are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Managing Director to lead and grow the North American organization, including Mexico. The successful candidate will be responsible for driving strategic growth initiatives, managing the day-to-day operations and ensuring the business' overall success.

Reporting to the CEO in Denmark, the Managing Director will play a crucial role in shaping the company’s future, maintaining strong financial performance and fostering a collaborative culture of innovation and operational excellence. The ideal candidate will be structured and organized and have proven experience from a leadership position in the appliance industry.

Key Responsibilities

As Managing Director, your overall responsibility is to ensure the financial performance and growth of the company while promoting a positive and collaborative culture. Your responsibilities include:

Develop and execute strategic plans to achieve business goals and objectives
Manage the full P&L for the US organization
Provide leadership and guidance to employees, fostering a positive work culture
Oversee all operational activities, including service, sales and administrative functions
Ensure compliance with regulatory standards and company policies
Drive initiatives to enhance operational efficiency and profitability
Build and maintain strong relationships with key stakeholders, internally and externally
Monitor financial performance and make recommendations for improvement
Evaluate and mitigate risks to ensure the long-term sustainability of the business


Advanced degree in Engineering or similar (MBA preferred)
Proven experience in a leadership role in a similar industry; experience in the appliance industry is an advantage
Experience managing a sales budget and/or P&L
Strong understanding of corporate finance and performance management principles
Excellent communication and interpersonal skills with the ability to inspire and motivate teams
Strategic thinker with a demonstrated ability to drive business results
Experience building and managing intercultural teams
Process- and detail-oriented
Self-driven with an entrepreneurial spirit
Proficient in software programs such as CRM and ERP systems


AGRAMKOW US Inc. is a company under the Danish company AGRAMKOW A/S founded in Denmark in 1977. AGRAMKOW specializes in innovative technology solutions for refrigeration and automation. Our systems serve automotive, HVAC and appliance manufacturing industries worldwide. We prioritize data-driven production to enhance quality, productivity and decision-making for our customers.

Location: Greenville, SC

Start date: As soon as possible
Compensation: Competitive compensation and benefits package
Travel: Approx. 20%
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Service Manager, South Carolina US
Agramkow A/S
6400 Sønderborg
Are you a Service Manager with experience in appliance manufacturing who enjoys leading a team? If so, join AGRAMKOW US Inc. in Greenville, SC!

To support AGRAMKOW’s growth in North America, we are looking for a highly motivated and experienced Service Manager to oversee our service operations. In this role, you will manage a team of skilled service technicians, ensuring a smooth and efficient service delivery to our valued customers.

You will collaborate closely with other departments internationally and domestically to maintain high service quality standards, promptly resolve customer issues, and implement strategies to enhance overall customer satisfaction. The ideal candidate will have solid experience with line production, preferably from the appliance, refrigeration industries, or sensor technology.

Key Responsibilities

As Service Manager, your overall responsibility is ensuring high-quality service delivery to our customers. Your responsibilities include:

Lead and supervise service technicians, guiding them to achieve departmental goals
Coordinate service operations for timely resolution of customer inquiries and technical issues
Develop and implement service policies to streamline operations and improve service delivery
Conduct regular performance evaluations and provide ongoing training and development opportunities for team members
Collaborate with sales to identify opportunities for service expansion and improvement
Handle escalated customer concerns and ensure resolutions are achieved on time
Attend customer visits and support the team hands-on in the field
Stay updated on industry trends and best practices to drive continuous improvement in service operations


Bachelor’s degree or equivalent work experience
Hands-on electrical and mechanical experience; software application knowledge is a plus
Proven leadership in line production, preferably within the appliance industry
Strong motivational and coaching skills
Team player fostering a collaborative culture
Inter-cultural experience
Excellent communication and problem-solving skills
Proficiency in Microsoft Office and ERP systems
Experience with order handling in SAP is an advantage, but not a must


AGRAMKOW US Inc. is a company under the Danish company AGRAMKOW A/S, which was founded in Denmark in 1977. AGRAMKOW specializes in innovative technology solutions for refrigeration and automation. Our systems serve automotive, HVAC, and appliance manufacturing industries worldwide. We prioritize data-driven production to enhance quality, productivity, and decision-making for our customers.

Location: Greenville, SC

Start date: As soon as possible
Compensation: Competitive compensation and benefits package
Travel: Approx. 25%
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Database Specialist
Agramkow A/S
6400 Sønderborg
Are you a software developer with a passion for databases? Can you architect databases, create data models of high quality and implement software solutions seamlessly? We are on the lookout for a Database Specialist, who is ready for new challenges and eager to navigate complex databases putting your own expertise into action!

You will become part of a dedicated team of highly experienced system developers, that contribute to the efficient execution and development of high-quality projects and products. In addition, you will be in near contact with more than 10 highly skilled software engineers. Therefore, the right candidate will face exciting opportunities for both personal growth and professional development.

A newly established position within the fields of databases and software development
With references to the IT Manager in AGRAMKOW, you will be responsible for all software related database activities. This includes the development of database architecture and data models, primarily using MS SQL Server and Analysis Services.

Your main purpose is to create solutions for both external sales and our own internal it-systems. Therefore, the responsibilities will include the following on both an internal and external scale:

Developing data models for our MES system, PLIS Smart Suite, using Microsoft Products.
Developing database strategies including backup, user authorization and cybersecurity strategy.
Database design and optimization of design in cooperation with the rest of the software team.
Development and maintenance of databases and tool stack used for powering our PLIS Smart Suite Systems.

In addition, in areas that are within your area of expertise, you will be responsible for planning, organizing, and conducting user/application training of colleagues as well as teaching customers.

Skills and interests within database design and data modelling
Whether you are a seasoned pro or fresh graduate, your ability and hunger to craft innovative solutions, that meet a specific costumer’s needs, is the key to your success.

You have a relevant technical education, such as BSc/MSc in software and/or database design or Computer Science. Most important is your motivation and passion for working with database design and development, utilization of database tools and SQL Programming.

The primary coding languages used will be T-SQL and C#.

You thrive in an environment where you can make an impact on the future technologies of the company. You possess a curious nature and are not afraid to ask questions. You must be ready to learn new skills since we will provide you with all necessary training and education to manage the job.
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Tutor | Mentor | Lektiehjælper | Online | Privatunderviser | Folkeskole og gymnasie
Tutora ApS
77777 Udenfor Region Syddanmark
Engagerede tutorer søges!

Arbejdssted: Online (eller nær dit hjem)
Ansættelsesform: Deltid/Freelance
Ansøgningsfrist: Hurtigst muligt

Om os:
Tutora ApS er en innovativ og voksende virksomhed, som udelukkende tilbyder online privatundervisning til elever i folkeskolen og gymnasiet. Vi tror på, at den rette undervisning kan gøre en verden til forskel, og derfor søger vi engagerede og dygtige tutorer, som vil være med på vores tutorteam.

Som tutor hos Tutora ApS vil du få mulighed for at undervise elever i forskellige fag og hjælpe dem med at opnå deres mål. Vi søger tutorer inden for følgende områder:
- Matematik
- Dansk
- Engelsk
- Naturvidenskab (fysik, kemi, biologi m.m.)
- Samfundsfag
- Historie
- Sprog (tysk, fransk, spansk m.m.)

Dine ansvarsområder:
- Forberedelse og gennemførelse af undervisningslektioner online (i få tilfælde fysisk).
- Tilpasning af undervisningsmetoder til den enkelte elevs behov og læringsstil.
- Hjælp med lektier, eksamensforberedelse og faglige udfordringer.
- Kommunikation med elever og forældre om fremskridt og områder, der skal forbedres.

Vi forventer at du:
- Har stærke faglige kompetencer inden for et eller flere af de ovennævnte områder.
- Er tålmodig, engageret og brænder for at hjælpe andre med at lære.
- Har erfaring med undervisning eller tutoring (ikke et krav, men en fordel).
- Kan arbejde selvstændigt og er pålidelig.
- Har gode kommunikations- og samarbejdsevner.

Vi tilbyder:
- Fleksible arbejdstider, der kan tilpasses din kalender.
- En meningsfuld og givende rolle, hvor du kan gøre en forskel.
- Konkurrencedygtig løn baseret på erfaring og kvalifikationer (145 - 170 DKK/time).
- Mulighed for faglig udvikling og træning.
- Et støttende og venligt arbejdsmiljø.

Er du klar til at blive en del af vores tutorteam og hjælpe elever med at nå deres fulde potentiale? Har du spørgsmål til stillingen, er du velkommen til at kontakte os på 28962740 eller via email på info@tutora.dk.
SEND DIN ANSØGNING HER: https://form.jotform.com/TutoraApS/ansogning

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Sønderborg Aabenraa Haderslev Kolding Billund Vejen Tønder
Middelfart Assens Nordfyn Odense Faaborg-Midtfyn Kerteminde Nyborg Svendborg Langeland/Ærø